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The Hip Hop Ear Training CD is here!

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Title: The Hip Hop Ear Training CD is here!
Posted By: tre
Date: 11/15/2002 at 22:13:01



If your a musician then you'll dig this cd. You can be hearing, singing, and playin music LIKE THE PRO's IN NO TIME! PERFECT FOR THOSE LONG DRIVES IN THE CAR! WHY NOT TRAIN YOUR EAR WHILE YOUR DRIVING!
We over here at LOOPWISE.COM have created an EAR TRAINING DISK that is taking the market by storm. This Cd is packed full of educational ear training techniques that will help you to perfect your musical ear and allow you to hear music like the PRO's do!!! This Hip Hop Ear Training CD will TRAIN your musical ear to hear to intervals, notes and even chord progressions that you hear everyday on the radio just by listening to the CD!!! Imagine being able to hear a song from the radio, and having the ability to hear intuitively which notes, or chords are being played, and to sing along with expert ease!

IF YOU WANT TO HEAR AND PLAY MUSIC LIKE THE PRO'S DO, then this CD is for you. Imagine being able to hear a melody line and replicate it with expert ease and efficiency! It is not a myth, musicians around the world do it everyday! Its called training your ear! The best part about it is that all you have to do is LISTEN!!! Just by listening to this disk a few times, say at work, or in the car on road trips...You will benefit substantially and attain that golden ear for hearing music that everyone wants!

If you are a serious musician, then you know that it is all about efficiency when it come to getting work done in the studio. This disk will train your musical ear to hear music like the pro's do! So what are you waiting for! Get your disk today and start LEARNING! Just your payment to and we will get a copy sent right out to you. If you want to know more, just email me at and i will discuss more specifics of the cd with you...

This Ear Training disk is much more than just your average boring Ear Training Disk. It does the exersizes in exciting and interesting voices, and even has a singer on it singing notes! The circle of fifths, fourths, and various universal chord progressions are among the extra bonues you will get from this disk. Not to mention the killer drumtracks that we have programmed in to keep things interesting. The Drums are panned to the right of the audio tracks, so you have the option of panning them out too if wish! These drums make the excersizes much more interesting to listen to...and in our opinion, that is the failure of most Ear Training Cd's is that they are so boring to listen to! Our Ear Training disk is both fun to listen to and very easy to learn with! It is truly the hippest Ear Training Cd you will ever buy!

Each ear training exercise comes equipped with hip hop drums panned to the right and ear training notes panned to the Left. You are free to pan out the drums or the ear training parts individually if you wish. The first section of this disk presents single note ear training. The second part focuses on interval training, and will better your grasp of musical intervals. The third part consists of drone notes that allow you to meditate on tonality and perfect your ear. The Fourth section showcases 5 of the most common chord progressions in C major and five in C minor. This CD is perfect for those long drives in the car when you have nothing to do but listen to CD's. If you're a music producer, then you know that your livelihood depends on your EFFICIENCY, Its all about efficiency in the studio.

Taylor Reaume

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