I use software on a need to know basis, and mostly cakewalk has been for "classical" music - ie organ with brass, etc.. or switched on BACH concepts.
NOW. I have a gig saturday night, i have Sonar 4 XL - 7 on the way due to vista)..
i have a couple of songs i want to do solo with my new to me roland RD700gx and a memory moog ( for solo work! YAEH!
one song is a hammond b3 groove with bass and drums
another is a satriani tune .
I need to lay down drum parts based on the song ( phrases.. etc..) rather than do Bass Ackwards, i'll do the drums first and then move on it.
What is the FASTEST way to accomplish this and not have it sound like a drum machine...
I'm thinking drum loops but thats why I'm here. I've looked at the manual ( like i have time) and not sure about drum maps and the time involved - and the end result.
Can someone who has some experience recommend a good solution ( cheap helps too..) looked at beta monkey, cakewalk site has no demo samples on the stuff in cakewalk store so how do i know what I'm buying??
thanks for any recommendations that can get this up and running (this morning)..!
Here is a link to two "SHORT" clips of what "would be nice"... to come close!
thanks Wayne