Hello all,
I've recently purchased the midi controller Behringer BCR2000.
It's working fine and I'm happy that I've purchased it.
I connected the BCR2000 at my DAW with SONAR 7.02 to use with ACT technology and I've noticed a strange behavior.
After configuring the controller I try to move a knob and corresponding parameter changes on sonar track view or plug-in view. The anomaly is when I try to move the previous value with mouse but the led bar doesn't move on the corresponding knob on BCR2000.
I expect that ACT create a bidirectional mapping between BCR2000 and SONAR parameters. The problem is that if I move on sonar with mouse, (or if I create an automation) for example, the value of volume on the first track, I see moving the value of another knob previously associated to the ch1, cc7 on the BCR2000 but not the correctly mapped knob to move that parameter.
It seems that the mapping is only unidirectional.
There is someone experienced this issue before?
I'm disposed to create a tutorial if we solve the problem, and post it here, for all.