Question about Midi and Tascam US-144
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:01 am
Hey everyone. I'm pretty new to the recording world but not to music in general. I am using Sonar 7 right now on my laptop (2.0 duo core, 3 GB ddr2 ram, 250 gig hard drive, USB 2.0) I am using it to lay down compositions on guitar and to lay down drum ideas. I purchased the Tascam US- 144 2 channel interface as a portable solution for my laptop. My question is: Does the Tascam play midi from the computer or do I need to use another soundcard to play actual midi from Sonar (like click, session drummer). So far, I have not been able to get midi to play from it. The midi signal registers on the unit but no sound can actually be heard. Thanks in advance!