Cakewalk into Yamaha QX5 FD

Use this forum to discuss Midi Issues as they relate to Cakewalk.
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Joined: Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:02 pm

Post by tbone » Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:18 pm

Hi, a buddy wants to play a midi file from Cakewalk (in his desktop) and record onto an old QX5 FD sequencer, so that he can edit it using the QX5.

he can't get it to record on to the QX5 for editing.
i told him the QX5 being so old might not be compatible.
what i know is he hooked up a midi cable to a usb on his computer and ran it into the input on the QX5
he set up the QX5 to record and he plays the file cakewalk with no results.

is he missing some step or is this even possible to do ?
any help appreciated

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