controller surface problem

Use this forum to discuss Midi Issues as they relate to Cakewalk.

Post by stanik » Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:47 am


I am trying to controll the mixer strips via the UC 33 USB controller. Now everything goes smoothly - I can assign all the faders to the chosen controls in sonar 3. But As soon as I play some audio and try to adjust some parameters via the UC 33 it wont work. Same with Reason Rewire - I can play both Sonar And Reason 2.5 , but as soon as I try to controll the Midi I get into trouble.

The other thing is - When I set the audio engine in Sonar to 24 bits I cannot rewire reason. Actually - sometimes I can and sometimes I cant. Is that possible that I can only fire those aps up when the audio engine is set up to 16 bits?

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