Correcting MIDI channels

Use this forum to discuss Midi Issues as they relate to Cakewalk.
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Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:48 am

Post by jayjay » Sat Sep 01, 2007 4:03 am

Besides learning music production, Im also trying to learn how to play the piano so I decided to get a Casio LK-300TV keyboard; its great because the keys can light up so you know what to hit. Anyways, I obviously wasn't satisified with the songs that came with the keyboard so I decided to find some music that i liked off the net in the form of MIDI songs.......the problem I have is properly setting up the channels so that when the keys light up all at the same time.

For the people who play piano, there is a right hand and a left handed part. Unfortunately, the MIDI file i downloaded works only for the right handed part meaning the keys only light up for that section and the left hand does not. I figured out what the exact problem is but I don't know how to properly fix it with Sonar. Basically i need to set the right handed part to MIDI Channel 4 and the left handed part to MIDI Channel 3. Its better explained here:,230.0.html

So does anyone know how to set the right/left handed parts to the proper channels on Sonar?

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